When I first announced this project, I mentioned that my business draws my attention away from sewing for my family. That is true, but add sewing for my children to sewing for business, and my poor husband gets totally left out in the cold. He asked me to make him an apron for Father’s Day . . . last year. He might have even mentioned the apron a few more times after the original request . . . Christmas, his birthday, almost every time he’s cooked in the last year. Well, he finally has his apron!
Ray actually does the majority of the dinner cooking in our house, so this apron will be well-used. (He’s been away from home quite a bit lately, and I really miss sharing the cooking responsibilities!) I chose the background fabric for the apron itself, but the kids picked out the pocket fabric. Apparently, they think that Daddy can’t cook anything without peppers and onions.
I used McCalls 2233 which I’ve used a few times before. It’s a quick and easy pattern, and I mostly follow the instructions to assemble it. I was thinking as I was putting this one together, that it would be really simple to make it reversible. Maybe I’ll try that next time.
I think men tend to be harder to sew for than women (and they’re definitely harder to sew for than children). What have you sewn for your husband? Is there something on your list for him? (He’ll probably understand if it takes you a year to sew for him. Just be sure to actually do it!)
Now that I’m caught up on new patterns, it’s time to get back on track with my 52 (Family) Projects in 2012 Challenge! Over at Hopeful Threads this month, Kristy has announced that this month’s project is sewing for our own families. Kristy even mentioned me and my 52 Projects goal in her monthly project announcement! How cool is that?
Project #11 of 52 is Olive the Owl! Isn’t she sweet? I ran across the Olive pattern along with patterns for her friends in the Freddie’s Friends booth at Spring Quilt Market.
I like that the pieces are sewn together with the raw edges showing. I think it adds a casual modern twist to the traditional stuffed animal. Our little Olive is made up of scraps of four different Riley Blake flower coordinates that were scattered throughout my stash. She uses up the smallest pieces quite efficiently, and she’s a very quick sew!
She even has a cute little tail!
You can find several Freddie’s Friends patterns at The Fat Quarter Shop. I added Ronny the Robot and Scotty the Sea Turtle to my pattern collection at Market. I think Ronny will be next.
Katie was so excited to receive Olive that she wouldn’t stop smiling!
She’s smiling on the inside. I promise. I’m sure she’ll fall in love with Olive when she’s a little older. In any case, she’ll always know that her Gi-Gi made her with plenty of love, and that’s what sewing for family is all about.
Last weekend was packed full from beginning to end with work, fun, surprises, achievements and beautiful memories. Morgan and Katie drove in from west Texas on Thursday evening, and Ray flew back in from a few weeks in Florida on Friday morning. The weekend started with several hours of chopping and cutting to remove the damaged parts of our walnut tree.I’m happy to report that we only lost about a third of the tree, and while the view out into my backyard has definitely changed, it’s not a bad change. We cleaned house and readied things for a house-showing on Saturday morning and the arrival of my mom and step-dad on Saturday afternoon.
Nana thoroughly enjoyed meeting and cuddling with her first great-grandchild.
We ate out nearly every meal and enjoyed every minute of it!
On Sunday afternoon, we’d planned a surprise 11-month birthday party for Katie. Morgan and Chad have moved to west Texas because of a job change, and we’ll soon be off to Florida meaning we won’t actually be able to celebrate her first birthday with her. I managed to send Morgan off to pick up coffee at Starbucks so we could toss up some quick decorations and be ready when she came back. A phone call for another house showing threw those plans totally off, though. I had no choice but to call Morgan, tell her about the party and ask her to come back and help pick up for the showing! A few more phone calls, however, gave us the perfect quiet spot for our little celebration while our house was being viewed by potential buyers. (A huge Thank-you! to the folks at our local Target for letting us use the back of their Starbucks coffee shop!)
We had a lovely time celebrating with Katie. She seemed to like the owl stuffy that I made for her (more about it next week in my next 52 Family Projects post). She definitely enjoyed playing the “drop and pick-up” game with it! Morgan loved the knitted flowers that Samantha made for Katie. (She’s really become quite the accomplished knitter!) Katie’s wearing one of the two flowers in this picture.
We wrapped up the party just in time to head home and get ready for Sean’s graduation! A few hours later we were settling into our seats to watch and listen.
There were a little more than 400 in Sean’s graduating class.
Our little ones were very well-behaved, thanks to a bag full of lollipops, some virtual coloring pages and plenty of cuddling.
Before we knew it, it was time for Sean to walk across the stage and receive his diploma.
Then the school song was sung, hats were thrown in the air and Sean was an official graduate!
It seems like just yesterday that I held this baby boy for the first time.
Now he’s grown up and ready to head out into the world!
Congratulations, Sean! I’m so excited to see what God has in store for you in the years ahead!
Eeeeek! This is what I woke up to this morning. We’ve had some crazy storms here the last few days, and the gorgeous walnut tree that sits outside of my kitchen window was a victim of one that blew through here during the night. So, instead of typing a post about new patterns, I’m sharing pictures of my poor tree.
The smaller portion of the tree (thankfully) is currently residing on the roof of our side porch so the next day or so will involve ladders and chainsaws. Hopefully the clean-up outside will be quick because I’ll be cleaning inside, as well. My mama and my step-dad will be here this weekend for the high school graduation of our oldest son, Sean!
I’m a little behind where I’d planned to be with revealing new patterns and sharing the rest of my Quilt Market stories. (If I searched my blog, do you think I’d find that the phrase “I’m behind” is used more often than any other? Maybe I need to stop setting arbitrary deadlines for myself? But then I’d never get anything done!) Little things like the above always seem to pop at the most inopportune times. My plan is to post two more new patterns this evening before bedtime (big kid sizes of a couple of your favorites) and another new pattern tomorrow. Then, I’ll be taking the weekend off to enjoy some family time, and we’ll finish up with the last two patterns next Monday and Tuesday so you can buy them and get sewing! I’m taking a little inspiration from this squirrel who was busy gathering up walnuts from the injured tree this morning and just keeping on keeping on!
Just in case you can’t wait to read more about Quilt Market, check out this blog post from the folks at Pellon with links to Quilt Market posts from all over the sewing-blogosphere: Quilt Market Love. Enjoy!
I posted a little last week about our family’s journey towards eating real food. I’m not sure I mentioned, though, what a difference eating real makes in the way all of us feel, and that makes a difference in the way we all behave. The difference really stands out to me when we stumble back into our old ways and allow our children (or even ourselves) to have a little bit of processed food. The food we put into our bodies really affects our whole bodies. If you’re curious, do a little research into how ingredients like high fructose corn syrup (hfcs) and monosodium glutamate (msg) affect the brain. While you’re at it, check out how those same ingredients are often hidden under new names now that we’re becoming wiser consumers. The 100 Days of Real Food Blog is a great place to start!
When I first started looking at labels in the grocery store in an effort to find foods that are free of icky stuff, the bread aisle made my head spin. The number of ingredients in a store-bought “whole wheat” loaf of bread is crazy! The only choice I really had was to get brave and try this bread-making thing myself. I started out, once again, using recipes that I found online and changing up ingredients until I came up with a recipe and a method that works perfectly almost every time. Here’s the fine print: I’ve only been making my own bread for about 8 months, and I’ve only ever made bread in my home in Dallas. Bread is a weird thing. What works in one place, might not work as well elsewhere. Things like altitude and humidity affect bread in weird ways. I would actually love to hear from any of you who try out the recipe to know how it works for you!
The Ingredients:
For two loaves of bread
2 1/2 cups warm water
1/2 cup raw, unfiltered honey (local is best)
2 heaping tablespoons active dry yeast
6 cups whole wheat flour (white whole wheat flour gives the best results)
1 cup rolled oats
2 teaspoons sea salt
4 tablespoons coconut oil (or melted butter)
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (NOT distilled white vinegar!)
The only special equipment I use is my Kitchenaid mixer with the dough-kneading attachment.
Start by activating the yeast. I use warm filtered tap water from my sink. The water should be between 105 and 115 degrees. Water too hot will kill the yeast. Too cool and it won’t activate properly. I just feel it until it feels warm on my hand. Pour the water into your mixing bowl. Sprinkle the yeast on top. Add the honey. Mix it all together for maybe 20 seconds. Turn off the mixer and set a timer for five minutes.
While I’m waiting, I pop over to the other side of the kitchen, turn the oven on and get a batch of real muffins or cookies going to get the kitchen warmed up and ready to make the bread rise.
When the timer goes off, the mixture in your bowl should look white and bubbly or foamy.
Turn your mixer onto the lowest setting and begin adding the other ingredients. I add them in the order listed.
The consistency will change as you add each ingredient. When you add the apple cider vinegar, it will look (and sound) sticky. Let it mix until the mixture forms a dough. If the dough doesn’t form after a couple of minute, add a spoonful of flour at a time until it does. It’s actually okay for the dough to be a little sticky, though.
Let your mixer “knead” the dough for 5-10 minutes before removing it. You can let the dough rise in the mixing bowl if you’re only making two loaves. (I do six loaves at a time, once a week. We don’t eat a ton of bread, so six loaves lasts us through the week well.) If you are going to start a second batch, then press the dough down into a greased bowl. Otherwise, just press it down into the mixing bowl and move it over next to the stove to rise.
Cover it with a towel and go start your second batch. (I don’t clean the mixing bowl before I start a second batch. I just put it back on the mixer and start again at the top.)
Grease your baking pans while you wait for the dough to double in size. For me, each rising can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the temperature of my kitchen and the weather outside. (I do avoid making bread when it’s rainy out because it just doesn’t turn out well.)
Punch the dough down and pull it out of the bowl. Pull the dough into two pieces. Hold the two pieces, one in each hand, and “weigh” it to get the two loaves as equal as possible. Press the each piece down into a greased loaf pan. (I grease my pans with softened real butter. I use a spoon to put the butter in the pan then spread it around with my hands. Be sure to grease the top edges of the pan in case your dough rises over the edges.)
Put the pans back in place near the warm stove and cover them again. Here are my six loaves in various stages of rising. (A tip here: Don’t move the loaf pans once they’re rising! If you do, the dough may fall in the middle, and you’ll end up with a concave loaf of bread that’s a little sticky in the middle. You’ll see further down that one of my loaves fell a little in the middle because I moved it to the stove top and took a few minutes to take pictures before putting it in the oven.)
Once the dough has doubled in size again, remove the towel and put it straight into your already preheated oven at 350 degrees.
I bake my loaves for exactly 35 minutes. It’s supposed to sound hollow inside when you thump it if it’s completely done.
Dump the bread out of the pans onto a cooling rack as soon as it comes out of the oven. If you don’t, the bottom and sides will get damp from moisture-evaporation.
Slice off a few pieces of the warm bread and serve it with real butter to the hungry family members who will come running as soon as they know it’s out of the oven. (Another tip: if you want to cool all of the bread to use later for sandwiches and such, bake it in the evening when the kids are in bed! I like to bake it after dinner, then I pop the loaves into our otherwise-useless over-the-stove microwave to cool overnight. We don’t use the microwave for cooking, but it works great for almost air-tight bread cooling.)
Six . . . I mean, 5 1/2 . . . loaves cooling.
Once the bread has cooled, I like to slice it with a serrated bread knife, about 1/4″ thick. This bread is heavier than store-bought bread, so slicing it thinner makes it nicer for sandwiches. It also makes it stretch further. I’ve found that I get nicer slices if I slice the bread upside down.
I only slice one loaf at a time. The rest I wrap in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator. (I really need to come up with something reusable to replace the plastic wrap, though.) When we need a new loaf, I pull it out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature before slicing it. I keep the sliced bread stored on the counter in this BPA-free container from IKEA.
I know it seems like a lot of work, but it really only takes a few hours, once a week, and I’m not actually “working” on it much of that time. Once you get into a routine, baking fresh real bread just becomes routine.
An additional note: You can make this bread vegan and safe for little ones under one year by substituting turbinado sugar (evaporated cane juice) for the honey. To keep it vegan, you’ll need to be sure to use coconut oil rather than butter in the ingredients and for greasing the pans.
I was up until midnight the night before Easter finishing up Easter outfits for Charlie, Jamie and Katie. (Seersucker, again, this year! It’s such a classic spring fabric. I love it!) I was so excited to get pictures of the little ones all together the next day. Sadly, though, storms rolled in during the Easter Sunday church service, and the rain continued all afternoon. In spite of that, though, it was a beautiful day, and it was so nice to spend it with all of my children since times are changing, and it may be the last Easter we get to celebrate together for awhile.
A few days after Easter, Morgan and I dressed our youngest three little ones back up in their handmade Easter clothes and headed out to find a patch of Texas bluebonnets for a photo session. We thought it would be a great idea to take pictures of our three Texas babies in the bluebonnets since this is likely the last time we’ll be able to! Why is that? Because we’re moving back to Florida early this summer!
I’ll share more next week about our move and how crazy it is to be preparing for Quilt Market while you’re trying to sell your house and prepare to move halfway across the country. For now, I’ll leave you with some beautiful pictures of the blessings that we’ve been given in our five and a half years in Texas.
January, February and March are full of birthdays in this house! Today is our oldest son’s 19th birthday, and we spent the whole day celebrating. In the picture above, Sean and Samantha are attempting to keep Charlie from blowing out Sean’s candles for him . . . again!
We started out the day with a few hours of fun at Chuck E. Cheese. A few weeks ago, Sean jokingly told me that he wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday, and because I thought he was serious, we made plans to do just that! LOL! I think Sean decided in the end, though, that a day at Chuck E. Cheese with your younger siblings is not a bad way at all to spend your nineteenth birthday! Everyone had so much fun!
Happy Birthday, Sean! This next year is going to be full of big decisions and big changes as you graduate and head out into the world. I pray that it’s a year filled with joy, excitement and an amazing sense of accomplishment!
I was a Work-Out-of-Home-Mom for years, so I appreciate more than I think I can express how much I enjoy the advantages of being a Work-at-Home-Mom. Some days are really hard, though. If you keep up with my Facebook or my 365, you probably already know that our whole family has been taken out by three different nasty cold viruses in the last six weeks or so. I’m pretty sure that we haven’t gone more than a few days without someone being sick. My five youngest were all feverish yesterday. I’m feeling so behind, and this little guy just wanted Mama all day. Each time I tried to put him down for a few minutes, he’d toddle to find me and cry, “Ma, hold me, pease.”
Isn’t it amazing how just touching Mama can make a little one feel better? Being there when they need me is why I choose to work from home, so I put aside work for a while and held this little guy. Work will still get done in time. It might take a few up-until-after-midnight-when-the-kids-are-asleep sessions, but it will get done. In the end, raising these little ones is really my most important “job”. I know from experience that too soon, they’re all grown up and cuddling their own babies.
In fact, today happens to be the 22nd birthday of this amazing young woman!
My first baby, Morgan, is all grown up and a Mama herself now. Isn’t she beautiful? She really is, inside and out. She loves Jesus. She’s firm in her beliefs and will stand up for them in a second. She makes incredibly mature decisions, far more mature decisions than I was making at her age. She’s a great mother who always does the the very best for her daughter. She manages a busy WAHM job, a full-time college course load, and being wife, mother, daughter and sister with grace, and she makes it look like a breeze! Happy Birthday, Morgan! I pray that this new year brings you many joy-filled moments, happy memories and beautiful blessings!
Samantha’s room was badly in need of some updating. The last time we decorated, she was 9, and while this room is cute at 9,
it’s not so hot when you’re 14! A birthday room re-do was definitely in order! The wall mural had to go, but we left the paint color so that the whole room didn’t have to be painted.
Once the walls were done, I planned a new quilt for the bed around Alexander Henry’s “Starling” fabric which Samantha picked out years ago. Samantha is a lot of fun and has a passion for things that are creative and a little out-of-the-ordinary. This wonky log-cabin quilt (Project #5) suits her perfectly!
Next was an update to the valance on the window (Project #6).
We ran across this naked chair in the “As Is” section at IKEA for a measly $29, and since lack of a cover shouldn’t slow down anyone who can use a sewing machine, it came home with us!
I sewed up really simple pillow shams for the cushions on the back and covered the seat cushion with an elasticized fitted “sheet” that I made following a couple of tutorials for crib sheets (Project #7). We threw on a few toss pillows, and Samantha has the perfect place to curl up and read or knit to her heart’s content.
Samantha loves to draw, and since this is her room, we framed a few of her favorite pieces of artwork to display.
A few days before Samantha’s birthday, we loaded in the car and drove around town snapping pictures of the letters in SAMANTHA. (Yes, we did get some odd looks, and I was a little nervous snapping pictures from my car window of the bank around the corner.) We used this really cool Christmas Card holder that we grabbed back in December–another IKEA find–to spell out her name with letters that we photographed.
Samantha’s bulletin board got a quick re-do with some Mod-Podged fabric, trim and new paint. (The perfect spot to display a collection of Texas State Fair ribbons for her knitting work!)
This quote cracks me up!
A few accessories wrapped up the project, and now Samantha has a room that will hopefully last until she’s ready to move on to a college dorm! (Ack! Let’s hope that time doesn’t come too soon!)
One more look at the finished room. (Well, sort of finished–there is a purple desk on the other side of the room that needs replacing, and now that Samantha is big enough not to fall out of bed, a boxspring under that mattress would be nice. For now, though, I’m calling it good!) What do you think? Any rooms in your house in need of updating?