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Pillowcases 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 Are All Boy!

I’ve fallen a bit behind, but my birthday is coming quickly. It’s time to get moving! I read somewhere that ConKerr Cancer receives considerably more girly pillowcases than boyish ones. Since I’m the mom to four boys, I decided to make sure that I make plenty of pillowcases that little and big boys will love! These six are great examples.

The Aliens Are Coming!

Play Ball!

Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting . . .

. . . I think I’ll leave you singing that for the rest of the day. Maybe it’ll remind you to go sew some pillowcases! Seriously, one pillowcase takes less than 10 minutes, and it’ll bring such joy to a sick child. Here’s the tutorial again: Pillowcase tute

40 Years, 40 Days, 40 Pillowcases

In 40 days, I’ll be *gulp* 40 years old! I was checking out the Crafthope blog a few days ago and discovered that they’re participating in ConKerr Cancer’s Miles of Pillowcase Smiles project. ConKerr Cancer organizes sewists around the country who sew bright and cheery handmade pillowcases for children who are seriously ill. It just so happens that the deadline for this project is September 15th–my 40th birthday. So, I’ve set a goal for myself to sew 40 pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer in the next 40 days.

I finished up my first four pillowcases today. They were so quick and easy! I’m sure there are zillions of tutorials online for pillowcases, but I thought I’d put together one to show my method. I timed myself to see exactly how long one pillowcase takes. Including cutting out the fabric, the total time was 9 1/2 minutes! You do need a serger to use this tutorial. (If you don’t have a serger, check out the ConKerr Cancer website for a tutorial using your sewing machine.) Just click for The 9 1/2 Minute Pillowcase Tutorial.

If one pillowcase only takes 9 1/2 minutes, surely you have time to sew up one or two, too! If you do, I’d love to see them!

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