My friend, Allison, from Alternate Endings put together this simple tutorial for adding feet to the Jamie Jumper, and I asked her if she’d mind letting me share it on my blog. If you’re looking to make footie PJs for your little ones this winter, just grab your Little One Layette or Wee Tot Collection pattern, and check this out!
Begin by laying out your pattern pieces (except for leg cuffs – you won’t need them) as directed in the instructions, adding 2″ to the bottom of each leg section. Also add at least 2-3 inches to each piece of binding. If it’s too long you can cut off the excess.You will also need to cut out pieces for the feet. I used pattern pieces from a different pattern, but you can also use the bottom and top pieces for a soft-sole shoe pattern, or just trace around your child’s foot with these approximate shapes, being sure to give some wiggle room and adding a 1/2″ seam allowance. (The half piece is for the top of the foot, and the whole piece is the sole.) If it fits your baby, it should work just fine.
Assemble your Jamie Jumper as usual, leaving off the leg cuffs. And don’t forget to make a few mistakes like I did. You know, things like forgetting to cut the binding an extra two inches longer and having to move the serger next to the sewing machine so you can sew an extra strip of binding on without having to remove the garment from the serger. Please make that mistake. It will make me feel so much better.
After the JJ is assembled, you need to cut a rounded “V” shape onto the bottom front of each leg – approximately 1″ wide and 1-1/4″ high. Round the pointed part a bit.When you make the V for the side with the ribbing/binding, be careful not to cut it too close to the ribbing. Leave about 1/4″ between the ribbing and the V so you have room to attach the foot pieces.
Attach the top part of the footie to each “V”, right sides together. Match the middles and sides. You will probably have to stretch the V a little to make it fit.
After you have attached the top portion of the footie, turn your JJ inside out and attach the bottom part of the footie to the bottom of the Jumper, right sides together. Match ends and sides. You will probably not need to stretch anything for this to fit – unless you have a very large-footed kid.
Turn garment right side out, admire your handiwork, and finish jumper as directed.
I have a little confession to make. Do you remember when I sewed Charlie’s and Jamie’s whole summer wardrobes almost three years ago? Summer Wardrobe Wrap-Up 2011 Jamie is still squeezing himself into those size 5T PJs . . . and he’s seven! I have made him a few new pairs of pajamas since then, but if I don’t keep up with the laundry, he’s right back to looking like the Incredible Hulk, bursting out of his clothes. At least people don’t generally see him in his jammies, right? And, Charlie? Well, Charlie was really blessed that I ran across some store-bought PJs on sale recently, or he’d be sleeping in nothing but a diaper. It’s a good thing we live in Florida, huh?
Enter Operation Pajama Drawer! It is time for me to fill up those drawers so my little guys can sleep in mama-made comfort and style again. Who’s up for sewing along with me? How about if I offer a prize? Start thinking about which of your little ones needs new PJs, and I’ll be back later this week with some details about joining in.
I’ll be sharing some pattern-addition tutorials along the way, too. I’ve got an amazing guest tutorial coming tomorrow! If you live somewhere other than Florida, and your kiddos’ toes get cold at night, this one is just for you.
In the meantime, here’s my Operation Pajama Drawer plan:Jamie mostly sleeps in pajama pants without a shirt, so he’s getting five pairs of woven pajama pants made from fabrics he chose from my stash. I’m thinking that I’ll make them long pants for now, then shorten them for the summer. (And, by “shorten them for summer” what I probably really mean is “shorten them in a year or so, when I suddenly notice that the long-pant length has become capri-length”.)
Charlie is getting four pairs of knit PJs, sewn with these adorable organic-cotton Lillestoff prints from Simplifi Fabric combined with some solid organic cotton interlock from Organic Cotton Plus. I haven’t decided yet which of my patterns I’ll use for which prints.
Finally, both boys have demanded that I sew them Pajama Party PJs from this Star Wars: The Clone Wars flannel that I picked up at Joann’s . . . um . . . a long time ago.
Okay, that’s enough procrastination confession for today. Time to get sewing!