Have you seen the great collection of handbag patterns that are included with Pattern Parcel #7? You can pop over and check them all out by clicking the image below, and read on to see my version of the Daphne Bag from Clover & Violet!
Saturday, November 8
Made by Sara ||Oliver’s Fancy ||
Strawberry Patch Ramblings
Sunday, November 9
from a box ||
Mia’s Creations ||
Monday, November 10
owen’s olivia ||
While she was sleeping
Tuesday, November 11
Nutta ||
Radiant Home Studio ||
La Pantigana
Wednesday, November 12
Sew Fishsticks ||
Stacy Sews ||
Stitching Insane ||
Thursday, November 13
Needle and Ted ||
Patchouli Moon Studio ||
Sprouting JubeJube ||
The Crazy Tailor
Friday, November 14
Casa Crafty ||
A Jennuine Life ||
‘So, Zo… What do you know?’
Saturday, November 15
Stitches by Laura ||
Rebekah Sews ||
Serger Pepper
Sunday, November 16
Blogs Like A Mother ||
Vicky Myers creations ||
Blossom Heart Quilts
Monday, November 17
Shanni Loves ||
So Sew Easy ||
GYCT Designs ||
Tiger In A Tornado
Tuesday, November 18
The Nosy Pepper ||
Keep Calm and Carrion ||
There & Back ||
Sewing Sober
Wednesday, November 19
Sew Like My Mom ||
Knot Sew Normal ||
Stacy Sews ||
Thursday, November 20
Mimi’s Mom ||
Our Family Four ||
shades of BOLD ||
Modern Handcraft
Friday, November 21
Shawnta Sews ||
Lulu & Celeste ||
Amanda Rose ||
Robin’s Fabric Nest ||
House of Pinheiro
I’m so excited to introduce you to my newest sewing pattern, the Lovely Long Skirt. You can find it in your favorite quilt shop and book store … in a book written by my friends, Caroline Critchfield of Sew Can She and Sarah Markos of Blue Susan Makes. The book is called Just for You – Selfish Sewing with Your Favorite SewCanShe Bloggers, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it! (Keep reading to the bottom to find out about the giveaway … actually two giveaways!)
This new book is filled to the brim with great patterns designed by some of your favorite bloggers, and they’re all patterns for you to sew for you!
The maxi skirt pattern that I designed for the book works perfectly with all of the lovely designer jersey knits on the market. I absolutely love sewing with knits, and I’m a big fan of knit skirts with yoga-style waistbands. When you wear them, you look stylish and pulled together, but you feel like you’re wearing your PJs!
The Lovely Long Skirt is a gored skirt that has a slim fit at the waist and through the hips with a flattering flare at the bottom.
The rolled hem takes advantage of that roll-y nature of jersey knits. You just leave the hem unfinished, then wash and dry it! Easy peasy!
My pink skirt is sewn with a Michael Miller jersey.
Samantha’s dotted skirt is made with Riley Blake jerseys. I love how a simple change in fabric completely changes the look of the skirt. Mine is sophisticated. Samantha’s is fun! (I adore the extra splash of color in the yellow waistband.)
Now for the giveaways! First, I get to giveaway a copy of the book! US winners will receive their very own paperback copy, including full-size paper patterns, courtesy of Stash Books. International winners will receive the eBook version with patterns that you print from your home computer. To enter, just leave a comment on this post, then come back up to the Rafflecopter and register your entry. (Don’t forget to do the second part, or you won’t actually be entered!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Second, Caroline is giving away a prize package which includes a copy of the book AND fabric to sew the Chevron Shrug, the Lace Infinity Scarf, the Bella Pouch and my Lovely Long Skirt! To find out how to enter Caroline’s giveaway, just click the collage below: Finally, don’t miss the rest of the blog tour! Each designer will be introducing and sharing a bit about her project from the book and giving away a copy. There’s plenty of inspiration and more chances to win coming up! The link list below will fill up as the posts and giveaways go live.